The Friends of the Iberville Public Libraries are those civic minded individuals who know that any community is a better place to live if that community has first rate libraries.
The Friends Group shall be a volunteer non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the interest, welfare and use of the Iberville Parish Library system.
These Friends bring together fellow citizens who are willing to work for excellent libraries and who will speak up for library service whenever and wherever their efforts are needed.
We need all the friends we can get
- To stimulate interest in the use of the library.
- To interpret the library’s needs to the community.
- To foster and improve new and innovative ways of involving the library in the everyday life of the community.
- To raise funds to purchase books, training materials and office equipment by holding book sales, and other special events as well as enlisting the support of the community.
Join a group of men and women — the businessman, educator, housewife, student, mechanic, retiree — working to improve services and offer more programs to our community. Click here to download an application.